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In 1996, Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith have launched the first free email service. They named it Hotmail.

Most of us had heard the name of www hotmail com is First free email service in the early years of the 2000s. I am sure many of you had an account there too. Today we will talk about and also will discuss how we can use the new version of hotmail email service in 2021. Also, we will tell you how we can take the most benefits from

Early History of Hotmail.

In 1996, Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith have launched the first free email service. They named it Hotmail. At that time there was no such concept about writing emails. After one year, in 1997 Microsoft Company has takeover Hotmail. In 2012 Microsoft changed Hotmail into

In the early stage, Hotmail was offering its users free Sign Up and login option. Also, Hotmail is monitoring the spam emails and giving 250 GB free storage to its users. Later users can buy more storage according to their needs. was not scanning, viruses only. I also was offering a Calendar to mark important dates as well. Users could save their contacts in an address book too.

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