You try to guess a random Wikipedia page on the Wordle copycat Redactle.

Even though it has the same name as Wordle, Redactle is not an exact copy. Instead, you have to guess multiple words to find a random Wikipedia article.

Even though it has the same name as Wordle, Redactleis not an exact copy. Instead, you have to guess multiple words to find a random Wikipedia article.

The common garden variety of Wordle clones are always the same game with a different focus. Others use the "-dle" ending, but try to do more of their own thing. For example, Heardle has you guess a song by hearing only a small part of it.

In this version of Redactle, you have to guess more than one word to figure out which Wikipedia page you are looking at. This may be the hardest version of the game so far.

It works by showing you a copy of a Wikipedia article with most of the words taken out, except for the most common ones like "the" and "is."

If you enter a word that is in the article, that word will not be redacted, and the game will even tell you how many times it appears in the article. The goal is to figure out the title or subject of the article.

Redactle doesn't use every single Wikipedia article, which is a good thing. Instead, it only looks at Wikipedia's list of Level 4 Vital Articles, which has about 10,000 topics. That's still a small number of Wikipedia's over 6 million articles.

It definitely takes more time than Wordle, since you can guess as many times as you want (we've been stuck on the one for today for over an hour). But the puzzle changes every day, and if you can't figure out the answer, you can click the "Info" button at the top of the page to see what it was.

The game also keeps track of your statistics, like how many guesses it took you to solve a puzzle and how accurate you were.

Part of it does feel like it depends on luck since it's much easier to guess a word that's used a lot in the article than it is to guess a bunch of words that only show up two or three times.

But it is one of the more unique ways to use the Wordle formula (you could argue that it might as well be a completely new game) and it is free. If you want to try the puzzle for today, you can do it here.

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