Difference between jute and cotton bags

When it comes to making jute or cotton bags more earth friendly, consumers are always at a loss as they are beneficial in many ways. Cotton and jute bags have the same green label. While jute is more on the socially responsible side, cotton is more on the organic side for the planet. Here

Advantages of jute:

Strength Jute bags are sturdier and stronger than organic cotton because cotton is softer and thinner not really a good feature for a sturdy bag.

Prices Jute is found in more tropical countries and these countries often have a lower cost of living, and although jute production is quite labor intensive, the lower labor costs make jute bags relatively inexpensive. Compared to the production andGeo Fabric manufacture of cotton, their production and transport is more expensive. Although, if you compare the heavier grades of cotton, jute bags are more economical.

Social Responsibility Jute is often grown in Bangladesh, India and Thailand. Its production is labor intensive because, unlike cotton, it is not suitable for mechanical harvesting, thus jute production supports a large number of small farming communities.

Natural fiber - Jute is a completely natural fiber just like cotton, so the production is biodegradable and compost friendly. Once they reach their use-by date or can no longer be used as a bag, they are used in the final stage in the soil to increase soil fertility. For this reason, jute has a very low ecological carbon footprint.

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