If you’ve lost interest and stopped having sex

It’s okay if you previously felt sexual desire with Jaipur Escort, made efforts to meet your sexual needs, and now you’ve lost interest. That can happen. You don’t always need to know why your interests have changed.

If youve lost interest and stopped having sex

There are so many reasons why this can happen. Perhaps its a time of increased stress or loss, and you need a period to reset. For some, this can be a time to discover the world and have fun in new ways. Or a period of being honest with yourself.

Its okay if you previously felt sexual desire withJaipur Escort, made efforts to meet your sexual needs, and now youve lost interest. That can happen. You dont always need to know why your interests have changed.

Not wanting to have sex is not a bad thing, unless its affecting your mental or physical health. If other people judge or make assumptions based on your choices, ignore them. Keep trusting yourself. Your sex (or non-sex) life is nobodys business.

If youre interested in figuring it out, remain open, curious, and nonjudgmental. You may discover more if you ask yourself kind questions about why you lost interest in sex in the first place.

If youre feeling bad about your loss of interest, dont try to numb the emotional pain. Instead, focus on letting yourself feel whatever arises. Work on compassionately discovering what might have changed that led to the loss of interest.

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