What is the easiest way to clean the new house before housing

What is the easiest way to clean the new house before housing

What is the easiest way to clean the new house before housing?

How to clean the new house before housing Your move to a new house is the right time for us to share with you some useful tips and tricks about cleaning it before housing, because there are different types of dirt and mess that occur with the establishment of the house, and you need a certain method of cleaning, follow the steps of cleaning your house

New: Dust all windows, ledges and ceiling fan blades. Clean the bedrooms, the kitchen and the bathroom first of all, because they are the first rooms to use. Fill a bucket with soapy water, and prepare cloth towels and a sponge. Dip the sponge in soapy water, and wring out until wet. Start by cleaning the ceilings, then shake off the dust, and wipe the dust stuck to everything in the rooms

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With a wet sponge. Wipe counters and cabinets with another damp cloth, to remove sawdust. Open all the drawers and vacuum them up, or wipe them with a damp cloth, then clean the mirrors. Clean the used carpet before bringing it into the house with a vacuum cleaner, then sprinkle baking soda on it,

Leave it for an hour to remove any odors, and then vacuum the baking soda. Wipe all floors with soap and water and disinfectants before laying carpets. Use the hose
Use electric power to sweep corners and crevices again before moving furniture. Then go to the hall or

Reception", and do the same previous steps. There are some tips that will help you in furnishing your new home as well, get to know them through the following lines. Read also: 7 mistakes you make when cleaning the house Tips when brushing the new house You may feel a bit tired because you don't know where from You start when you furnish your new home, but rest assured, it is not that difficult, moving to a new home can be

A beautiful and exciting experience by following the following tips: Determine your budget first, to know how much you can afford and pay for the new home, according to your priorities in the basics. Sort your old possessions, decide what you want to keep and move into your new home, and what you'll need to buy.

This is your chance to get rid of collectibles you don't want. Wrap valuables and antiques with cloth or newspaper, then put them in strong cardboard boxes, and write on each box the type of its contents, so that it is easier for you to arrange the luggage. Make a list before moving day of any changes you'd like to make to

Existing interior space, such as choosing paint color, repairing existing holes, purchasing electrical appliances, ceiling fans, and lighting fixtures. Record the adjustments you want to make right away, and the ones that can be set aside in the future. Don't forget to fold your clothes into the big bags.

To arrange them in place quickly. Try to schedule as much work as possible before your move day, so you'll be less stressed out afterward. Start by buying the basics in the rooms, for example: living rooms and bedrooms are the places where you will spend most of your time with your family, so they are a priority. Choose small pieces of furniture that are easy to furnish in a simple way, and do not cause crowding in your home. Keep things organized in

While unpacking, the two elements that make up the perfect home are organization and dcor. Be aware that the furnishings of some home furniture need special care, such as the TV, chandeliers, and others, and they are among the things that require wooden boxes to be moved to protect them from breakage and damage. Determine the area of ​​your home before starting any preparations, and buy only the necessary furnishings and sets. Make sure that your kitchen space fits the size of electrical appliances before purchasing them. Stack all your dcor items, including artwork, trays, candles, vases, and more.

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