charge annual charges at the moment

Art Mavens does not charge annual charges at the moment. It's free to register and use the service as an employer with a 2% fee after the work is completed. There is also a fee for freelancers.

We believe the platform will be a benefit for employers seeking to fill short term art projects.

Managers, for instance, may need additional support when managing exhibits at an art fair. And, with the seismic shift to digital technology, galleries could be seeking extra help

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Art Mavens does not charge annual charges at the moment. It's free to register and use the service as an employer with a 2% fee after the work is completed. There is also a fee for freelancers.

10% commission on all roles they have completed.

The commission is lower than other daily technology study technologyWebsitedo technology co ukwww.guidetechnology.usguidetechnologyguide technologyWebsiteguide technology usplatforms for freelance digital work. The platform also ensures that freelancers get paid immediately after the completion of their work.

AA: Are Art Mavens primarily focused on the art of the west globe or is it global? Or is the platform broad in its scope?

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