General information on Asthalin Inhaler 100mcg

Asthalin is a 100mcg inhaler that is used to treat and alleviate symptoms of bronchospasm. This is a narrowing of the small airways in the lungs, or bronchioles.

What exactly is Asthalin Inhaler is used to do?

Asthalin is a 100mcg inhaler that is used to treat and alleviate symptoms of bronchospasm. This is a narrowing of the small airways in the lungs, or bronchioles. It is common in chronic obstructive diseases that are reversible, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and Emphysema. Asthalin inhaler 100mcg can be used to ease breathing problems caused by bronchospasm and presenting symptoms such as wheezing breathing difficulties, and tightness of the chest, and shortness of breath.

Inhalers containing Asthalin 100mcg can be used to stop the bronchospasm that is caused by exercise, which is an asthma type that can be triggered only by exercise, or allergy asthma that is caused by known allergen such as pollen, cats or even. Asthalin inhaler 100mcg can be described as a "reliever" inhaler due to the fact that it is a fast-onset (within 5 mins) however it is not long-acting. It is a "rescue" medication to use when an asthma attack occurs or to prevent an attack of asthma. Asthalin inhaler 100mcg does not treat asthma and you'll most likely be taking a standard "preventer" medication, such as the inhaled corticosteroid. Buy Asthalin inhaler 100mcg online

What is the process behind Asthalin Inhaler perform?

Asthalin's inhaler contains salbutamol, which is a beta2-agonist and bronchodilator, which works directly on the airways of the small part of the lung (bronchioles). The contraction of the smooth muscle surrounding the small bronchiole tube causes the airways to narrow when one of the triggers for asthma. Salbutamol within Asthalin Inhaler is a binder to beta 2 receptors in the smooth muscle, causing the muscles to relax and the airways to expand (bronchodilation).

This decreases the effect of bronchospasm (contraction or narrowing of the airways) and permits the airways to expand, which makes breathing easier and alleviating symptoms of asthma-like tightness in the chestarea, wheezing shortness of breath and cough. Salbutamol is found in Asthalin inhaler can be described as a quick-acting bronchodilator, but it has a limited duration of actionthat lasts approximately 4-6 hours. It's used to relieve symptoms of severe asthma. It is injected to the lungs in the form of an aerosol after each actuation (puff).

What exactly is Asthalin Inhaler have?

Asthalin Inhaler 100mcg is a source of salbutamol sulphate as the active ingredient in suspension. Asthalin Inhaler also contains a propellant 1(34a............q.s), which delivers 100mcg salbutamol as an aerosol into your lungs each time your actuate (press down) your inhaler. Every inhaler has at minimum 200 activations.

Asthma treatment using Asthalin Inhaler

The 100mcg Asthalin Inhaler contains salbutamol which is a beta-agonist and bronchodilator used to treat bronchospasm which is a contraction of the muscles that surround the airways that are small in the bronchioles or lungs. Salbutamol is present in Asthalin Inhaler is a binding agent to beta 2 receptors in the smooth muscle of bronchioles. This causes the muscles to relax and the airways to open (bronchodilation) which makes breathing easier and alleviating asthma symptoms like wheezing, breathlessness and chest tightness and cough.

Asthalin inhaler 100mcg may be utilized to alleviate symptoms of asthma attacks due to exposure to allergens like pollen, cats, or other trigger such as smoke from cigarettes or cold air. Asthalin inhaler 100mcg can be described as an "reliever" inhaler due to the fact that it can be triggered quickly (within five minutes) however it is not long-acting. It can be used as a relief medication that is used when an asthma attack occurs or to prevent the possibility of having an asthma attack. Asthalin inhaler 100mcg may be used to avoid the development of symptoms in exercise-induced or allergic asthma by applying it prior to exercising or exposure to an allergen.

Asthalin Inhaler for exercise-induced asthmatic bronchospasm

Asthalin's inhaler contains salbutamol which is a beta agonist as well as a the bronchodilator, which is used to treat bronchospasm which is the contraction of the muscles that surround the airways in the smaller airways of the bronchioles, also known as the lungs. There are a variety of asthma triggers that cause asthma symptoms due to bronchospasm.

This is the contraction of the muscle that surrounds the airways that are small in the bronchioles or lungs and includes exercises. Salbutamol is present in Asthalin Inhaler binds with beta 2 receptors located on the smooth muscles of the bronchioles. This causes the muscles to relax and the airways to expand (bronchodilation) which makes breathing easier and alleviating symptoms of asthma such as shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. Asthalin Inhaler 100mcg is utilized to stop the development of symptoms during exercise-induced asthma.

What are the adverse negative effects from Asthalin Inhaler?

The most frequently reported side effects that occur when you take Asthalin Inhaler is headache and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) Other less frequent adverse effects include palpitations, throat and mouth irritation, muscles cramps.

What is the best time to Asthalin Inhaler not be used?

It is not recommended to use Asthalin Inhalers if:

sensitive to salbutamol, or any other ingredients found in the Asthalin inhaler

you are pregnant or breastfeeding or breastfeeding, do not discuss this with your doctor.

Are taking medications that are incompatible with Asthalin such as beta-blockers that are not selective like propranolol and xanthines, such as theophyl or aminophylline in the treatment of asthma, corticosteroids such as prednisolone and beclomethasone for asthma, as well as other beta 2 agonists like salmeterol, diuretics such as furosemide in the treatment of heart failure

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What is the paradoxical nature of the bronchospasm?

Inhaled asthma bronchodilator medicines may cause paradoxical bronchospasm that is, the inhaled medication used to treat or reduce bronchospasm actually makes it worse, causing wheezing and breathing problems, and tightness in the chest. If this happens, discontinue using the Asthalin Inhaler, tell your physician and follow their advice.

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