The Wordle formula's variations continuejust the other day, I reported about Cloudle (opens in new tab), which estimates a five-day weather forecast for any city in the world. Wordle has recently been a daily favorite among movie aficionados, and only last week, someone made Wordle work in Minecraft .
I've got another Wordle-esque daily puzzle game for you today, this one with a geographic theme that fans of the long-running GeoGuessr will undoubtedly enjoy. It's called Wheredle , and it shows you a Google Maps Street View of a location in the United States every day. Your task is to determine which state you are in. You can go up and down the streets by using the navigation arrows, and you can move the camera around by clicking and dragging as you look for clues at signs and shops, identify landmarks, and so on. Walk around and pick up on the "vibes" of the place.