Applications that must be owned by a mobile worker

Being a mobile worker with a myriad of activities is certainly very difficult. How come? You have to move from one place to another in no time.

Being a mobile worker with a myriad of activities is certainly very difficult. How come? You have to move from one place to another in no time.

Not to mention the obstacles you have to face to reach your destination such as traffic jams or rain. It's not new anymore if you come late just because of traffic jams, so you have to make a new schedule at a later date.

Constraints like that can reduce your productivity working as a mobile worker. You must have strong stamina and a high memory. Because, when you are tired and spend a lot of time on the trip, you still have to focus on your goal.

Applications that must be owned by a mobile worker

Your busy schedule of activities in a day often makes you forget or skip other activities. Actually, there are many applications that can help you organize your work and daily activities. Here are some mobile worker solutions you can have:

Google Calendar

This application is very much needed for you. Not only does it record your schedule of activities, but Google Calendar also allows you to share your schedule with teammates. You can also share event invitations with your clients via Google Calendar.

Not only recording the time, this application provides location details and a short description. In the short description section, you can add important event notes or notes for colleagues. The Google Calendar application has a 'repeat' feature that can be used as a reminder of periodic events, such as weekly meetings or annual events.

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Online Transportation

It seems that the online transportation application has become a mandatory application that needs to be installed for everyone. Especially for you a mobile worker. Online transportation applications such as Gojek, Grab, and Uber really need to be installed on your smartphone.

Of course you don't want to be late due to being stuck in traffic in Jakarta, which should take you 15 minutes to arrive, but you have to take 1 hour to get to the place. This application helps you to reach your goals faster, without having to 'tem' for a long time at a fairly affordable cost and fairly good security.

In addition, you can also send packages such as documents using Go-Send or Grab Express without the need for you to deliver them yourself. Surely it will really help you save your work, right?


The LinkedIn application may be familiar to you. After you've had a day of meeting lots of clients, you definitely need to establish a connection with them. LinkedIn is the right medium to increase professional relationships and build business.

LinkedIn also helps get information according to the profession you have. You can also create open-ended questions or answer open-ended questions according to your expertise.

That way, you can rely on LinkedIn as a place for you to create personal branding for your future career. Don't forget to fix your LinkedIn profile now!


Maybe in the 2000s Yahoo Mail became the ruler of electronic mail in the world. Everyone uses Yahoo as an email address. However, in the end, Yahoo went bankrupt and Gmail from Google took over the Yahoo market.

In fact, until now the company uses Gmail for Business as an electronic communication tool between employees. If you are a Gmail user, you must install the Gmail application on your smartphone.

Installing it will make it easier for you to know the latest updates from your work. You can also directly reply to important emails from clients without having to open a laptop.


This application is a complementary application from Google for Gmail users. With G-Drive, you can create data or reports like Ms. Word, Ms. Powerpoint, or Ms. Excel to be integrated with Gmail.

The good thing about using G-Drive is that you don't need to carry a flash or hard disk when traveling. When you create a file on G-Drive, you can access it anytime and anywhere just by logging in to your Gmail account.

You can also share files that you have with coworkers. You just need to add the email it has. That's why G-Drive is very necessary for you to install.

Thus applications that must be mobile workers like you have. In addition, don't forget to also install social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Path so that you can refresh your mind when you are tired of working and friends are traveling.

You can also get the latest information from social media and make it a small talk for ice breaker time with clients. That way, your work will become easier and you will be more productive at work such as as an architect based jakarta. Good luck!

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