How to Fix Sidebar below Content Error in WordPress

You can also edit the sidebar from the WordPress Dashboard. In the left-hand menu, select Appearance > Widgets, find the Sidebar section, and then give it a click to expand. You should now be able to see all the widgets that make up this particular sidebar.

Fix Sidebar below Content Error in WordPress

1. Undo recent changes to your WordPress theme.
2. Rule out WordPress plugins.
3. Find the HTML breaking the layout.
4. Find the CSS moving the sidebar below the content.
5. Clear WordPress cache.

Are you trying to fix the sidebar below the content error in WordPress?

This issue occurs with WordPress templates using a two-column layout for content and a sidebar. Due to a slight change in code, the sidebar starts appearing below the content instead of next to it.

In this article, well show you how to easily fix the sidebar below content error in WordPress.

What Causes The Sidebar Below the Content Issue in WordPress?

The most common cause of the sidebar appearing below the content is an HTML or CSS error breaking the layout.

Eachdivin HTML needs to be properly closed. If the template responsible for displaying the page has an uncloseddivtag, then this would break the layout.
